This year we are using Simple Schooling’s new One Year Nature Study. It is an interactive nature study on the Simple Schooling website. My daughter has really been enjoying it.
It is for K-4th grade,we study Bugs, Mammals, and Reptiles with a complete one year curriculum. Featuring fully narrated, interactive lesson that are not too long or too overwhelming.
The interactive, online subscription is complete and you don’t need to purchase anything else; however, Simple Schooling does offer workbooks and textbooks to go along with it. We purchased the workbook, which has optional activities that go with the lesson that my daughter loves.
Though the vocabulary is sometimes a little challenging at times, my daughter gets through them and is excited when she gets them correct. She retains the information even when it seems she didn’t do that well on the vocabulary. We love the quizzes at the end.
Currently on sale, this interactive science curriculum is absolutely awesome! The embedded videos are very enjoyable and we all enjoy going through the course. With the bonus dinosaur course and the paw print study, we have thoroughly enjoyed our year so far.
If you haven’t checked out Simple Schooling, they have so much to offer. It is a wonderful website. Right now they are offering 12 Days of Freebies! It’s a great time to see what Simple Schooling has to offer.
What kind of Science curriculum do you use?
Joann says
Love the blog
tmhinton says
So glad you are enjoying it. Thanks.
Shela says
Thanks for stopped by my blog. I don’t rellay remember my states and capitals so the way your aunt taught you obviously had an impact. Isn’t that remarkable? I think mine was 4th grade regurgitation for the test and then it was gone mind dump. I’m hoping that doing it in a fun and passive way through Classical Conversations and through our reviews at home will make it more fun and memorable so she would do well on a quiz team when she’s in her 40s, unlike her mama! Thanks for sharing.