September 17 is Constitution Day. If you are looking for some great printables and links to do some Constitution Day studies at home, head over the DenSchool and check out the great post, loaded with links and printables to help you with your Constitution Day study, no matter what age.
Constitution Day is an excellent time to talk about our countries beginning and about our freedoms. We had a great time talking about our Constitution and doing a little copywork of God Bless America, courtesy of Mama’s Learning Corner.
We sang, we talked about the constitution and we read. It was a good study and we enjoyed looking at our map and seeing where our founding fathers were located in the United States as well.
Check out DenSchool’s links and Mama’s Learning Corner copywork if you are looking for some help with discussing the Consittution.
Barbara Klein says
What a great lesson on the constitution. What a great mommy-teacher you are! I like the way you showed them the location of the original colonies on the map.
Barb Klein
Viviane says
In Yahoo Groups, there is a Homeschool Review group, where the discussion is milnay about different curricula.You won’t need a refresher course , even for elementary age courses. Teacher’s guides/manuals lay it all out for you, including answer keys.You first want to find out your child’s learning style then research curricula to match that style. Look at your learning style, too, so you can stay engaged as the instructor. (Some curricula would work well for my son, but not for me.)