As we finish up blogging with the The Old Schoolhouse Schoolhouse Crew’s 5 Days of Holiday Preparations, we end the week talking about homeschooling.
Homeschooling through the holidays is an exciting time in my opinion. It’s flexible, fun, and “the most wonderful time of the year.” In fact, it may be one of my favorite reasons that we homeschool.
We all have our own reasons for homeschooling. We may homeschool because of crazy schedules, disabilities and illnesses, focus of study, or personal preference, to name a few. There are as many reasons to homeschool as there are homeschoolers I would guess. But I would venture to say that many homeschoolers agree that homeschooling through the holidays is exciting.
We can take this time to focus on the true meaning of the season, teach about our beliefs, thankfulness, and home economics and cooking. We can use the time to be flexible with our schedules to spend more quality family time. We can take family trips and homeschool on the road and not be at the mercy of a school schedule. The possibilities are endless.
This year we are doing a Thanksgiving unit study for Thanksgiving. I’m really excited to incorporate this and it will be a fun time for the whole family. (Yes, we are building a Mayflower model this year- yeah.) We have our Thankful Tree for the first time this year (see our post about that here) and spending time giving our time and God’s gifts during this holiday season.
Christmas will include some fun Christmas related activities, learning about baking and homemade Christmas gifts (see my post about Christmas gifts here), and remembering the “reason for the season” in everything we do.
With our Classical Conversations group, we take a break through much of December. We take several fun Christmas related fieldtrips, and we take a few weeks off to just read Christmas stories and be a family.
Do you change up your homeschool for the holidays? What do you do differently? I would love to hear from you.
Keri says
Homeschooling during the Holiday’s is so Fun for me and my kids too of course, lol 😉
Since me our Roadschoolers, we do things a bit differently because of tight space. However, the special things still are the same.
We travel to friends and family for ThanksGiving and Christmas.
We decorate and do buy a smal real tree which we decorate. We back goodies and watch Holiday shows and keep schooling very light and FUN and Yes! Holiday themed. Thanks for having such a great blog to read, loved your Thankful tree idea 🙂
Keri – A Roadschooling mom of 2 lil explorers!
Keri says
oops sorry for the typos! Wasn’t paying attention to my spell checker ((blush))
Keri – A Roadschooling mom of 2 lil explorers