Along the same lines as last week’s post about doing a yearbook each year, you might want to consider a keepsake box each year. You could do this in addition to or in place of a yearbook.
What is a keepsake box? A keepsake box, when referring to it for your homeschool, is a great place to keep everything throughout the year – in a box! It’s easy to do because it’s a box. You just label it the school year (2012-2013) and/or the grade (grade 3) and then put it on the shelf. I recommend in plain view so you don’t forget about it. And then you just add to it all year.
What should you put in it? Here is a list of things you might want to put in your keepsake box:
- First day of school photos
- Fieldtrip photos
- Ticket stubs from museums and concerts
- Grade reports
- Written papers
- Artwork
- 4-H ribbons
- Vacation photos
- A “book about me” entry from each of the kids
- A family photo
- A copy of the daily plan for the year
- Completion certificates from curriculum and workbooks
Really, the list is up to you, just put whatever you want throughout the year and then, at the end of the year, when you are ready to close out the year, go through it and filter through it if you want.
You may want one per year or, if you have several children, one per child per year. This can also be a good way to store stuff in order to have it in one place in case you want to make a yearbook or scrapbook at the end of the year.
Whether you decide to keep it in the box or change it is irrelevant. The key is to keep adding to it and see what you have at the end of the year. You will love looking back with your kids and reminiscing through the year before closing it out and moving on to the new box for the next year.
Do you keep your school keepsakes in a box? How does that work for your family?
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