As we continue our series on 5 Days of Dad-Friendly homeschooling, we are discussing ways that dad can be more involved in your homeschool. Another great way for dad to be more involved in your homeschool is to have dad be the “memory master.”
So what is a “memory master?” Well, it’s the “master” of the memory work. But of course, you can call it anything you want. I just thought it was a fun title!!
Do you have memory work in your school? Most do, at least of some sort. Whether its Bible verses, poetry, or history sentences, dad can be the master of the memory work. He can choose it or just review it. Listen to it. Play games with it. Quiz it. Anything he finds effective and interesting to engage the children in learning, reciting and retaining their memory work.
I know some families that use after dinner time to review the memory work together. This can take 5 minutes or 30 depending upon the amount of memory work you use in school, how much review of previous memory work you choose to go through, and how many children you have.
You may wish to have a system set up to help dad and the kids move through the memory work. But this doesn’t have to be fancy or intricate. A subject or memory work binder or index cards may be a good fit for your school to keep track. You can use the memory work as copywork that can be placed in the binder or on the cards. Or you can print out and place into the binder or glue onto the cards.
No matter which way you choose, finding a good system and determining how it will be used consistently in your homeschool will help dad stay engaged, easily work through the memory work, and be involved in the children’s education regularly.
Do you do memory work in your homeschool? Do the kids present it or review it with dad?
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