As we continue to explore getting dad more involved in our homeschool, today we will be talking about having dad lead the family read-alouds. This is a great way to have dad involved and takes little to no planning on his part and very flexible to add to his schedule.
Do you do family read-alouds? We have on and off in the past and hope to get on a better schedule this year. Just reading a chapter a night as a family of a book, whether it coincides with the curriculum you are using or not, can be a great way to have some good, quality family time.
You can have dad chose the book or choose it for him. You can take a book from the extras you plan to get through this year or pick a subject he has the most interest in. Whether you choose the Bible, a Bible Study, a piece of classic literature or the base book for your history curriculum, you will find that getting dad involved in the read alouds can lead to more discussions, a time that the kids look forward to, and great, quality family time.
Here are some to consider if you don’t know where to start (these are just a few suggestions to get you thinking, nothing solid)
- History – Story of the World series, A Child’s History of the World
- Classic Literature – Tom Sawyer, Swiss Family Robinson, Little Women
- Shakespeare – Hamlet, Othello, Taming of the Shrew (you can each take turns reading the play)
- For Fun – The Hobbit, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Secret Garden, the Little House on the Prairie series, the Narnia series, the Harry Potter series
And don’t forget, at the holidays, there are special read-alouds you can add.
No matter what you choose, you may find that adding some family read-alouds to your schedule can make dad feel a part of schooling as well as give the kids something to look forward to, regardless of their age.
Do you use family read-aloud time? What are some of your favorites?
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