Last week was National E-Book week so I thought I would share a few e-books we used that you might want to consider for read-alouds or studies in your homeschool.
We have just been reading a great e-book by Bonnie Rose Hudson called Asia: It’s People and History (see my review of Asia: It’s People and History) and we have loved it.
We have used it to start studying the country of Bangladesh and have truly enjoyed the reading. The readings have been great and, since it’s in e-book format, we have cuddled on the couch and read as a family from our Kindle.
As we have used the Asia: It’s People and History book as a guide to our study of the country, we have also used some other e-books along with our study. We have always enjoyed the Christian Heroes Then and Now series so we chose to begin reading William Carey: Obliged to Go (Christian Heroes Then & Now) by Janet & Geoff Benge, which we already had on hand via e-book. We also visited another resource that Bonnie Rose Hudson references in her Asia: It’s People and History book called Bold Believers in Bangladesh on the Kids of Courage website. This was a fun to expand our study of Asia.
We love ebooks on our Kindle but I must admit one of the things I love about ebooks is that we can read them on our kindle or the computer or even my SmartPhone when we are not at home.
Do you use ebooks in your home? What ebooks are you reading this week?
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