We just love Science at our house. We are always doing science experiments and learning about science in some way. We were recently given the opportunity to review some Go Science DVDs from Library and Educational Services which we thought would be a good fit for our homeschool.
The Go Science DVD’s (series 2) are a new collection of video segments filmed for a Christian television broadcast. Each show shows and discusses a cool science experiment, discussing the experiment, showing the students helping with the experiment, and discussing the outcome briefly. Safety aspects are discussed when appropriate.
The DVD is a collection of several of these approximately 5-10 minute segments. And each DVD is approximately one hour in length. The DVD itself has a collection of science experiments that focus on a particular science aspect such as chemistry or flight or engineering. Each experiment that is conducted is assisted by students in the audience and many are safe to try at home. They do tell you when it isn’t something very safe for home as well.
Go Science DVDs are recommended for ages 4-12; however, I would say they are great for the whole family.
The Go Science (series 2) DVDs include:
Volume 1: Sound, Gravity, Space
Volume 2: Life Science, Weather
Volume 3: Air
Volume 4: Motion, Friction, Electricity, Light
Volume 5: States of Matter, Water
Volume 6: Chemistry
Volume 7: Engineering, Design, Flight
We were provided with 2 DVDs for the purpose of this review. We received Volume 6: Chemistry and Volume 7: Engineering, Design, Flight.
Ben Roy, former director of News Channel 9 Science Theatre and current teacher of science methods at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, is the man in charge of running these science experiments in each episode on the Go Science DVDs. Hiss passion for science is evident. He enthusiastically welcomes the students on set and at home to each episode by greeting, “Welcome to Learning Time!” And then he ends each segment with the same phrase: “when we learn more about science, we learn more about our creator, God.” He also references Bible stories and applicable biblical principal where appropriate in the experiments. Though I wouldn’t say I agreed with everything he said, there wasn’t enough there, and this wasn’t a Bible lesson, so it was easy to move forward to just discuss what we believe if it came up.
The set up of the DVDs would make it easy for these to be used as science curriculum and say watch one segment and then do the experiment yourself at home and then discuss it. This was my original intent but the kids wanted to watch the whole video the first time, so we did. Then we went back and watched one segment and did the experiment at home. We did a balloon experiment and a rocket experiment from the Flight DVD and I got some great pictures but, technology failed me and I have nothing to share 🙁 But it was fun!
Overall we enjoyed the videos and look forward to using them to do more science experiments. This would be a great way to include more science experiments in your home if you have a tendency to skip over this aspect. You can watch them demonstrated right in your living room and then you can choose to try and recreate them or just discuss them. Either way, these DVDs would be a great supplement to any science curriculum.
You can purchase single DVDs from Library and Educational Services for $8.97 each If you would like to see more about these videos you can look at a video excerpt from Volume #1 to get an idea of how wonderful this series can be.
Be sure to visit Library and Educational Services website and check all the Go Science DVDs. Or visit them on Facebook.
And visit the rest of the Crew and see their reviews to learn about the other DVDs in the Go Science (series 2) DVD set.
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