This week we are gearing up for our school year to start. I typically do not start until after Labor Day, but we are considering starting a couple of weeks early due to some plans in September.
So for my Random 5 Friday post I’m going to tell you —
5 Random Things I Love About Planning a New School Year
1 – Start Over Clean- The new school year is exciting! I get to make choices for the next year, reflect on last year, and we can start the year with a clean slate. I think that pretty great. Even though we actually school year round, summer has a different tone in our school then we take an official summer break for a few weeks (though we continue with math and reading on a casual and fun basis) and then have an official first day of school for our new school year.
2 – Choices– We get to make choices for the next year. Try something new. Get rid of stuff that wasn’t great. Learn about new topics and try new learning games. There are so many choices and though we tend to keep what is working, it is exciting to add something new and different to our year.
3 – CC is about to Start – A new school year means that Classical Conversations will be starting again soon. We love our community day and I think my daughters favorite part of the new school year is picking out her outfit for the first day of CC!
4 – School Supplies – Ok, I’ll admit it. I love school supplies. So its fun to get some new school supplies – backpacks, binders, erasers, dry erase markers, new crayons and markers, and get ready for the year. I think planning for the year and deciding what school supplies we need is my favorite part!
5 – Reading List – We love to read in our house. Library trips are an integral part of our homeschool. So making up a reading list for our year is a fun part of my new school year planning. I enjoy deciding what the kids will be reading, reading about, and what our family read alouds will be. Though they typically correspond to our topics of focus for the year ie. history time frame, science topic focus, etc, we do read things for fun too. It is fun deciding what we are going to read during the school year.
What is your favorite part of planning for the new school year?
Be sure to check out more Random 5 Posts.
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