I LOVE checklist. There are few things as satisfying as a list completed with all the items checked off as complete. That is one of the appeal of this planner to me. What I learned is that my daughter does not mind an unchecked box but….that being said, the planner was great for her to use. She felt independent and we didn’t have any misunderstanding on what needed to be completed each day. This is always something that has been an issue for us so having everything in one place made this simple.
Though My Student Logbook are intended for school use, really any task can be added to a students Logbook. Therefore, I chose to weekly chores to the bottom of our Logbook so that these things were checked off as well. That way, if the question of whether she could head out to play was asked, I could simply ask if everything was checked off in her planner. This helped us as well.
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