Well, it’s snowing again! Here in the Midwest we are getting hit with another snowy mix. I must admit, I will be glad when it’s over and Spring shows it’s happy, sunny, WARM face to us and waking up to 3 degrees with a wind chill of negative whatever is over.
That being said, if you went to a traditional brick and morter school like me, you probably remember the excitement that ensued over a snow day.
A snow day meant a free day off – an extra day to the weekend, NOTHING TO DO! It was exciting to wake up and hear those 3 words every kid looks forward to – NO SCHOOL TODAY!
What did you do on that free snow day? Maybe mom or dad stayed home from work and made pancakes. Maybe the family piled around the fireplace and played UNO or under some blakets and watched a movie. Maybe soup was started in the crockpot and cocoa was on the stove. Then, of course, it was time to bundle up in 3 to 5 layers of clothes and head outside to build snow forts and snow men and find ice patches to skate on. So exciting!
As a homeschooler we typically make our own schedules. This includes taking days off when needed or necessary. Obviously, the need for a snow day, for what it is, isn’t necessary since we don’t drive to school or ride a bus. But we still take snow days from time to time and here is why.
There’s a lot to be said for the excitement a kid feels when mom or dad says “No School Today. It’s a Snow Day!” Why not let the kids experience that? Be spontaneous! Everyone can have fun enjoying a day off.
Someday work will make you come in in the snow or you will be too tired after shoveling the driveway to build a snowman. Enjoy the snow and have fun! The work will be there tomorrow and, besides, we are likely ahead of schedule and, if not, we have the flexibility to make it up at our own convenience.
There is something to be said for getting outdoors and playing. Spending time with family making memories or just plain enjoying the beauty God gave us. Sometimes, the spontaneous fun is the best fun!
I don’t know about your neighborhood but mine is typically devoid of children playing – except for mine. But snow days seem to bring at least some of them out of the woodwork. So send the kiddos out to play with their freinds who are finally not trapped at daycare or bogged down with 1st grade homework.
Lastly, and maybe the top reason we take snow days is so I can get Cool Mom Points. Ok – seriously! We take snow days because – WHY NOT? We are homeschoolers. Be flexible. Be spontaneous. Be cool! And most importantly, be the mom who gets to say “put down that book, put on your coat, and go play in the snow!” And then get out the cocoa and marshmellows and enjoy the day off!
Do you take snow days? What is your snow day tradition?
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