Ever since I saw the first preview for War Room, I have been wanting to see this great Christian movie from FishFlix.com. I was pleased to have the opportunity to review this movie recently for the TOS Review Crew.
You probably have heard of the movie War Room, but have you heard of FishFlix.com? Before I tell you about this awesome movie, which, by the way, is AWESOME, let me tell you a little about FishFlix.com.
FishFlix.com is an online company that specializes in Christian Movies. They sell all types of Christian Movies from the latest big-screen dramas like War Room to kids educational films like Veggies Tales and the Torchlighters series. They are a one-stop-shop for some great movies for your whole family.
If you are not familiar with FishFlix.com you should check them out. They have some wonderful movies to choose from and offer some great prices on their movies.
Now, let me tell you about War Room.
War Room stars T.C. Stallings as Tony and is an excellent movie about the power of prayer. I must admit, I was intrigued at the idea of the film when I first heard it and was excited to watch it. And to watch it with my husband.
We both enjoyed the film. It was well made, great actors, and a wonderful, very relatable, storyline. The character of Miss Clara is just “fired up” in this movie. She is the one that is teaching Elizabeth, played by Pricilla C. Shirer, how to fight with and for her husband through prayer.
The part that is relatable to many, I’m sure, is how busy Elizabeth and Tony’s lives get that they don’t have time for each other and Tony is on the edge of losing his relationship with his wife AND daughter. I’m not going to put spoilers in here because I REALLY WANT YOU TO SEE THIS MOVIE but I will say that, though the story may not be something that happens to every family, it is easy to see how it COULD happen to a family lost in today’s hustle and bustle of the daily lives. And seeing how Elizabeth’s prayers for her husband and to God for herself and her family help heal this family is nothing but AMAZING!
The film is entertaining and fun in parts too so don’t think it’s all fighting and prayer. The double dutch contest had me on the edge of my couch!
The War Room DVD was a great one for my husband and I to watch and I believe I will watch it again with my daughter, as I think she could benefit from learning a little more about the power of prayer and the message that this movie provides. I look forward to watching it again with my family. It is most definitely one of those Christian Movies that I’m glad that I own.
Now, check out this PRIZE PACK.
So….if you would like to own your own War Room DVD, you should consider entering the FANTASTIC giveaway that FishFlix.com is hosting for the TOS Review Crew. They will be giving away a 5-Movie prize pack containing the War Room DVD as well as 4 other Christian movies includes The Ultimate Gift, Superbook: A Great Adventure, My Son, My Savior and Owlegories 2. This is a prize pack valued over $80. How exciting! And all you have to do is join the FishFlix.com mailing like though this link.
I really am excited to have had the opportunity to view the War Room DVD and I look forward to frequenting FishFlix.com for my Christian movies in the future. And I plan to bookmark the FishFlix.com site for my gift giving event.
Be sure to check out FishFlix.com on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fishflix
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/FishFlix @FishFlix
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ChristianDVD @ChristianDVD
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/fishflix/
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