We always read before bedtime and it has usually included a little devotion before or after our chapter book we are reading. We recently had the opportunity to review Every Day with God: 365 Daily Devos for Boys (A VeggieTales Book) and have really enjoyed this book.
I was excited to get a devotional just for my 7 year old son. I thought this would be perfect. Stated to be for ages 4-7, he is on the older end of the age range; however, he just turned 7 and he is a boy with a boy attention span (lol) so the book works well for him.
We actually read it before bed each night so the other kids heard it too, but if we were reading only with him one night we included it just with him as well. He loved that it was specifically for boys, he doesn’t have many of those books since he has 2 sisters.
So let me tell you a little about this devotional. It is just beautiful. It is full color, full of pictures, and very sturdy. It will hold up to your little ones using it on their own.
I love that each days devotional is not associated with a date. For instance, page 1 does not say January 1. So you can start it at any time. And each day’s devotion is one single page so it’s easy to make some time for God and keep you son’s attention.
Each day there is a short verse, a short story about the verse, a Thought of the Day, and a prayer. Ironically, day 1 the verse was EXACTLY what my son needed and he recognized that. I thought that was very moving and he is very interested in including it each night before bed. We all repeat the prayer out loud together, which is great.
True to form of Veggie Tales products, the pages are colorful, full of friendly, Veggie Tale characters and great messages on moral character and life in general. Some of the topics of the daily devotion include kindness, you’re so special, truth telling, giving, don’t give up, patience, and making God proud. I liked that devotions ask questions like “How do you think God wants you to treat people?” or “Did you know that God has a plan for your life?” These types of questions were great at getting us talking a little during our devotion reading.
The Thought for the Day asked questions or other participatory actions or statements like “Name three things that you feel are special and wonderful about yourself.” or “If you are not sure whether something is right or wrong, ask your parents bef0re you do it!
At the back of the devotional are several pages entitled Know It By Heart with a Bible verse to work on memorizing. There are 11 verses at the back of this devotional. The author asks that mom or dad go over the verse and work on memorizing the verse and discuss what it means.
Other than the book being blue, I didn’t really see where it focused on boys per se; however, the lessons were very appropriate for his age and he really liked that it was titled “for boys” and that it was a book for him. I liked that it was very much appropriate for the kids and that they all enjoyed listening to it but that he felt special having his own devotional.
Every Day with God: 365 Daily Devos for Boys (A VeggieTales Book) is a great, colorful, lesson-filled devotional that my son has truly been enjoying and will continue to enjoy as we make our way through all 365 days of devotions.
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