I always love finding something put together and easy to use for my preschooler and I love this Bible ABC Curriculum Notebook from The Crafty Classroom. Easy to use and fun for the kids, this curriculum is a great, complete Preschool Curriculum that can be integrated to include all the kids. I know we are going to love this!
The Bible ABC Curriculum Notebook is a PDF that contains over 600 pages of printable activities. Designed to be a combination letters and Bible curriculum, your child will learn the alphabet, basic math, writing, and Bible stories and verses.
Each lesson introduces a letter each week, just like The Crafty Classroom’s non-Bible ABC curriculum. The letters are introduced in alphabetical orders and the letter corresponds to a Bible vocabulary word/Bible story (i.e. E for Earth, H for Heaven, J for Jesus, Z for Zacchaeus). In addition, children discuss and are taught about attributes of God (Godly character).
The first 8 pages of the pdf offer an overview of the program, how to use the program, and a sample schedule.
The rest of the printable curriculum is full of printables pages with a specific weekly guide for each letter lesson. There are approximately 20+ pages for each less. Each lesson includes:
- weekly overview
- coloring page featuring topic
- letter coloring pages
- daily math page
- graphing pages
- writing practice pages
- Bible verse coloring page
- Bible verse tracing page
- Write and Read beginning letter page
- Bible verse quilt page (this is really cool)
- Bible verse crown
- letter of the day bingo game cards
- and several other miscellaneous pages
There is a LOT included. You don’t have to do it all. Especially if you are already doing something else for math or reading, but if you are using as your SOLE curriculum, it is complete. There is a lot included for this age. Lots of different ways to practice and color depending upon the age and abilities of your kiddos.
My 3-year-old used this. She isn’t ready for the writing but, since I have a son that is beginning reading and writing, I used the reading and writing pages for him as well as the Bible verse tracing page. My daughter loves that we are putting together a quilt of the letters and we look forward to finishing this. There is a quilting page for each letter. We are hanging them on the school wall.
Overall we are really liking this Bible ABC Curriculum Notebook and look forward to using it this year. My daughter loves doing it and I love that the Bible serves are planned out for me. We will use these as our Bible memory verse each week this year. I think this is a great, organized curriculum for your preschool or kindergarten age child. I think it would be a great Pre-K or Kindergarten curriculum as well. We will use this this year and the Bible verse for the whole family and the Bible verse copying pages for my older son. My oldest daughter read the Bible story aloud and copy the sentence herself from the Bible. I think this is well put together and I think I will definitely check out more of The Crafty Classroom products.
Be sure to check out what the rest of the Homeschool Review Crew has to say about The Crafty Classroom, the Bible ABC Curriculum Notebook and the rest of their products like Learn to R.E.A.D. Curriculum Notebook and USA Activity Bundle. And visit The Crafty Classroom on the web and social media:
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