I know – did you even know that was a thing? I didn’t but I gotta tell you — it’s one of the better National Day’s I’ve heard of. I mean, National French Fry Day, whatever? National Tiger Day, ok? But Global Hug Your Kid Day — totally getting on board.
So, in honor of Global Hug Your Kid Day I’m going to hug my kids and hug my kids and hug my kids. I mean, I do that anyway but why not make sure we are celebrating this National Day.
What is Global Hug Your Kid Day
Created by Michelle Nicholes in honor of her son, Mark. She started observing it the third Monday of July after her son died of brain cancer at the age of 8 1/2 years old in 1998.
Ms. Nicholes said that the idea is simple – give your kids a hug or two. Let them know they are loved. She suggests that parents use a hug to let them feel comfortable, safe, and secure.
Why a Hug
Research has shown that hugging is good for you. Everyone needs a hug from time to time. It’s instinctive and universal among mammals. Hugs express love, comfort, security, care, sympathy, and happiness, to name a few.
Studies have shown that there are several clinical benefits to hugging. Hugs boost your immune system, provide your kids with a healthier life, and boost heart health. (1) So, as you can see, there are some very great benefits to hugging for everyone. Not only is Global Hug Your Kid Day great for you to show your kids love it is healthy for everyone.
Hug Them and Tell Them you Love Them Too
I’m extending it to not only hugging but be sure to tell them you love them too. You can read my blog post about some great things to say to them every day to help you get started. Read my What If I Told Her Everday post and 30 Things To Say to Your Kids to Encourage Them post.
So, this Global Hug Your Kid Day — hug your kid, and everyone else you love and need to hug. Hug it out! And while you’re at it — make sure you do it every day!
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