I am the Queen of to-do lists. I have a list for today, for the week, for the month, long term lists, someday lists…you name it, I probably have or have had a to-do list for it. (Getting through them is another story for another day. <grin>)
Usually I have them stuck in my notebook which usually has other lists. I know…obsessive.
So I have been struggling with ways to not repeat myself every day about what my daughter needs to do. So, naturally I decided that I had neglected something that should work for her — to do lists. (Thus my decision to start with the workpockets but I’m still putting it together.)
So, I made Avarie a to-do list to laminate and hang next to our daily school to-do list. Yes, we have that on the wall too and, yes, I’m redoing it to coincide with our new schedule for the new year.
Here is a picture of our new to-do list. I’m hopeful this will help Avarie stay on schedule and get through what she needs to with a visual reminder instead of my constant, sometimes louder and louder, reminder.
Do you have an effective to-do list system that works for you and your children? Does it help your kids know what they need to get done and get through it without reminders? I would love to hear about it.
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